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e Brochure



Student Profile


Students gain valuable experiences that stretch their capacities which ultimately lead to personal and academic growth. Students are provided with ample opportunities to learn and grow from the experience.


Students are encouraged to bring diverse experiences to their classroom and contribute their valuable suggestions to the community of learners. Students need to feel respected and to be respectful of others.


Students need the support of parents, teachers and peers to develop knowledge beyond recognition. Here, students are encouraged to be creative and become critical thinkers.

Self-directed, self-reliant, self-confident, self-motivated

Developing a positive sense of self in a child is a long and patient process that is very rewarding for parents, teachers and students. Independence comes in stages and emerges when children are continuously provided with positive learning experiences.


When students are encouraged to develop the skills and strategies needed to interpret, analyse, evaluate, infer, synthesize and explain information, they reach a level of meta-cognition that enables creative and critical thinking. Developing creative and critical thinkers today ensures that our next generation of leaders will have the cognitive skills to solve problems locally, regionally and globally.