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House System

The school is divided into four houses named after four prominent rivers of India – Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada and Saraswathi.

To foster team spirit among houses and to promote talent, inter house competitions are held throughout the year.

Trophies are awarded for excellent performances at the end of the year.

Motto - Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.


We firmly go ahead with relentless pace,
To make this temple of learning a better place.
We are taught to live with indomitable courage and do our best.
Never be weary to do good things and face challenges without rest.

We rest on God Almighty to carry on our special mission;
For He will be our guide and lead us all the way.
To our teachers and friends, we always remain faithful.
Truth, loyalty and honesty are our ornaments.

Motto - Powered by knowledge, driven by values.


Striving hard at Rainbow with all our heart day in and day out,
We do our best to pass the test.
We have dreams but never make our dreams our master.
Neither do our thoughts become our aim.

Never do we cease to learn new things through the year,
Learning life lessons, that's what we do;
We will achieve our goals because
We know that Yamuna is surrounded by the amazing grace of the Almighty.

Motto - Attitude is altitude.


Rise and shine Saraswathi, rise and shine,
In you, our delight will lie.
We put our confidence in God,
And we know He will lead us all to glory.

Forward we go with excellence
In discipline and knowledge
Our heads, our minds and souls embrace,
Their roles today and forever.

Motto - We think, we do, we win.


We love our Alma Mater
Rainbow school
Fountain of true learning profound and sound
We are vigorous; We have might
We're the team; We're the best
Behold! We will shine, deep inside
And March, hand in hand
Proudly we stand, tall and firm,
Narmada, here we come!